Thursday, December 24, 2009

Bardia National Park, Nepal

We went to Bardia National Park as our last hoorah in Nepal. We've been in Nepal about 3 weeks now. We had to take an overnight bus to get here. They stop every hour for a half hour Tea Break! I'm not even kidding... at these little wood shack type of "tea stalls". I dont know if the drivers do it because they love tea so much orrrr if it helps them stay awake?? Sometimes it's fun and we are getting off the bus at all hours of the night sitting on these benches around a fire on the side of the road meeting new people and getting warm because its freeezing here at night! Other times, you just wanna get there and these stops seem really frustrating and unnecessary!
I could write an entire blog just about these buses.... the roads are so bad and they drive so fast... it's like driving down railroad tracks- it's that bad! The whole way there. Around winding curves. With screeching loud Indian music blasting at all hours. I usually wear ear plugs.
On a lighter note, Bardia National park is very lovely =)
Can you believe when we arrived we were the ONLY tourists at our lodging?? Its the off season, and we decided not to go to the other national park in Nepal that is the more popular one- because we wanted to support the one that gets less tourists (plus theres a better chance of seeing a Tiger at this one!)
We stayed in these straw roof huts with mosquito nets over our beds.

We walked through villages that exist inside the park

This man had the most amazing smile. Picture doesn't do justice. I think I want to paint a portrait of them when I get back. Anywho, they let us inside their house and fed us and gave us rice wine that they make. Inside their house is the picture below:

They farm and store their harvest in these GIANT clay pots inside their houses/ huts

More children

you know... just a rhino in your front yard =)

Feeding baby elephants!

once a dork always a dork. Our tour guide/ park ranger friend put his binoculars around my neck and his cap, and his walking stick. And I am wearing a fanny pack. It doesnt get better than this.

We took an elephant safari!! In search of Tigers and other fun animals. My first time on an elephant. This elephant is about 40 years old.

We rode bikes around the villages. Not just any bikes. Squeeky, wobbly, no gears, seats as hard as rocks kind of bikes.I will never take my bike in California for granted again! Mine sounded like a frog and Tinas sounded like... it was gonna fall apart. =)

Onward! Another overnight bus back to India...


  1. You are soooo funny! You really do make me feel every experience with you. You should seriously consider becoming a writer. My project before I go back to school in a few weeks is to make a scrapbook of your trip with your pictures and comments! You know it's 7:00 AM here Dec 24th and It looks like you've already had your Dec 24th, so today for you must be CHRISTMAS! Merry Christmas Christie! LOOOOVE YOU!

  2. Merry Christmas!! Thank you so much for your wonderful blog that has helped us to feel connected with what you and the girls are doing. The photos you pick are wonderful snap shots into what you are seeing and experiencing. Your writing has been descriptive, articulate, and so funny at times. We appreciate you taking the time to blog so often and so well.
    We loved the description of the bus ride and the bicycles in this blog. A rhino in your front yard!! Hilarious!
    Much love!!
